Sunday, March 2, 2014

Reflections of February

    To make a short story even shorter, February was not a great month for birds. During the course of the 28 days, I increased my "life" list by a mere 2 species and barely changed my year list. Additionally, I didn't go to Shoreline a single time nor did I get any of the somewhat rare-ish birds when I went out searching for them. First world problems aside, birding was still pretty enjoyable during the month and I got some great views of flora, fauna, and landscapes. Here are a bunch of pictures not featured in earlier posts from throughout February!

Hummingbird nesting in my Vanda coerulea for the second year in a row. She's in the middle bottom to the left of the plant carrying a piece of fluff in her bill.

Reflection - 2/14/14 at Vasona Lake County Park

First time I've actually seen the "double crests" in a double-crested cormorant. 2/14/14 at Oka Ponds.

Mossy wall - 2/14/14 at Palo Alto Foothills Park

Gnarled trunks of manzanitas - 2/14/14 at Palo Alto Foothills Park

Ruddy Duck - 2/15/14 at Duck Pond

A pair of sleeping Northern shovelers - 2/15/14 at Palo Alto Baylands

Sunset and mudflat - 2/15/14 at San Francisquito Creek delta

Oak titmouse about to investigate the nearby feeder - 2/22/14 in my backyard

House finch - 2/22/14 in my backyard feeder

Same bird as above

Chestnut-backed Chickadee - 2/23/14 in my backyard

California towhee at my feeder - 2/23/14 at my backyard. Even in my tiny suburban backyard and with this tiny feeder, birds still come.

Lined shore crabs - 2/23/14 at Fort Mason Park

This Brewer's blackbird was sitting beside the Fort Mason Pavilion, looking truly sad with a broken leg. Unfortunate little urban bird and I hope he can still continue life normally - 2/23/14 at Fort Mason Park

Wow the trash right outside Fort Mason Pavilion seemed to be gull heaven. Unfortunately, they all seemed to be Western gulls. I did see a few glaucous-winged and on the water, I saw a few mews flying.

Either he's king of the dumpster or he's too lazy to squabble in the fray

So yeah, basically we birders stand around dumpsters and wait in naught for that one rare gull that will never come. Thankfully I had an orchid show to go to so I did not linger here for long.

The newly-hatched hummingbird chicks. I know that I shouldn't be this close but this was zoomed in and the nest was also build in not exactly the most pristine area: 3 feet from my very regularly used backyard door. Taken in my backyard sometime during the week of 2/24/14. I think now they've feathered out but haven't checked yet. 

    Well, that's it for now! I will likely not have much to post about for a few weeks due to busy weekends from Science Olympiad (yay!!!!!), SATs (ugh), and homework (ugh). For now (and later), enjoy life and appreciate nature!

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